Multi-Function Hydraulic Fais Fab CNC Busbar Processing Tshuab Chaw tsim tshuaj paus

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

QauvQauv: GJBM303-S-3-8P

Muaj nuj nqi: PLC pab busbar xuas nrig ntaus, shearing, theem dabtsi yog khoov, ntsug dabtsi yog khoov, twist dabtsi yog khoov.

Cim: 3 unit tuaj yeem ua haujlwm tib lub sijhawm. Punching unit muaj 8 xuas nrig ntaus tuag txoj hauj lwm. Nws pib-calculate cov khoom ntev ua ntej dabtsi yog khoov txheej txheem.

Tawm dag zog:

Punching unit 350 kn

Shearing unit 350 kn

Khoov unit 350 kn

Khoom lojLoj: 15 * 160mm

Product Detail

Main Configuration

Peb feem ntau xav thiab xyaum sib raug rau qhov kev hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj. We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body as well as the living for Multi-Function Hydraulic Power CNC Busbar Processing Machine Factory Manufacturer, Zoo yog lub Hoobkas lub neej , Focus on customers' demand is certainly source of firm survival and progress, We ua raws li kev ncaj ncees thiab kev ntseeg zoo ua tus cwj pwm, nrhiav ua ntej ntawm koj txoj kev los!
Peb feem ntau xav thiab xyaum sib raug rau qhov kev hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj. Peb lub hom phiaj ntawm kev ua tiav ntawm lub siab thiab lub cev muaj zog ntxiv rau kev ua neej nyobTuam Tshoj CNC Busbar Processing Tshuab thiab Multi Function Busbar Processing Tshuab, Txhawm rau ua kom txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv peb txoj kev lag luam, peb yeej tsis tso tseg qhov kev txwv tsis pub dhau txhua yam los tsim cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov kev daws teeb meem. Hauv nws txoj kev, Peb tuaj yeem txhawb nqa peb txoj kev ua neej nyob thiab txhawb kev nyob ib puag ncig zoo dua rau cov zej zog thoob ntiaj teb.

Product Description

BM303-S-3 Series yog multifunction busbar ua tshuab tsim los ntawm peb lub tuam txhab (patent tooj: CN200620086068.7), thiab thawj turret xuas nrig ntaus tshuab hauv Suav teb. Cov cuab yeej no tuaj yeem ua punching, shearing thiab khoov txhua lub sijhawm.

Qhov zoo

Nrog rau qhov tsim nyog tuag, lub tshuab xuas nrig ntaus tuaj yeem ua haujlwm puag ncig, oblong thiab square qhov lossis emboss thaj tsam 60 * 120mm ntawm busbar.

Chav tsev no siv cov khoom siv turret-type tuag, muaj peev xwm khaws cia yim xuas nrig ntaus lossis embossing tuag, tus neeg teb xov tooj tuaj yeem xaiv ib qho punching tuag hauv 10 vib nas this lossis hloov tag nrho cov xuas nrig ntaus tuag hauv 3 feeb.

Lub tsev shearing xaiv ib txoj kev shearing, ua tsis muaj seem thaum shearing cov khoom.

Thiab chav tsev no txais cov qauv ib puag ncig uas ua haujlwm tau zoo thiab muaj peev xwm ua haujlwm ntev.

Lub tsev khoov tuaj yeem ua cov txheej txheem khoov, ntsug dabtsi yog khoov, lub luj tshib yeeb nkab dabtsi yog khoov, txuas lub davhlau ya nyob twg, Z-puab lossis twist dabtsi yog khoov los ntawm kev hloov cov tuag.

Chav tsev no yog tsim los tswj los ntawm PLC qhov chaw, cov khoom no koom tes nrog peb cov kev tswj xyuas tuaj yeem ua kom koj muaj kev ua haujlwm yooj yim thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm siab, thiab tag nrho cov khoom khoov tso rau ntawm lub platform ywj siab uas ua kom tag nrho peb chav ua haujlwm tau zoo ib yam. sij hawm.

Tswj vaj huam sib luag, txiv neej-tshuab interface: nws software yog yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam, muaj ib tug cia muaj nuj nqi, thiab yog yooj yim rau rov ua hauj lwm. Lub machining tswj tau txais txoj kev tswj tus lej, thiab qhov tseeb machining yog siab.

Peb feem ntau xav thiab xyaum sib raug rau qhov kev hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj. We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body as well as the living for Big Discount Multi-Function Hydraulic Fais Fab CNC Busbar Processing Tshuab Hoobkas Chaw tsim tshuaj paus, Zoo yog Hoobkas lub neej , Focus on customers' demand is certainly source of firm survival and progress , Peb ua raws li kev ncaj ncees thiab kev ntseeg zoo ua tus cwj pwm, nrhiav ua ntej ntawm koj txoj kev los!
Loj LojTuam Tshoj CNC Busbar Processing Tshuab thiab Multi Function Busbar Processing Tshuab, Txhawm rau ua kom txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv peb txoj kev lag luam, peb yeej tsis tso tseg qhov kev txwv tsis pub dhau txhua yam los tsim cov khoom zoo tshaj plaws thiab cov kev daws teeb meem. Hauv nws txoj kev, Peb tuaj yeem txhawb nqa peb txoj kev ua neej nyob thiab txhawb kev nyob ib puag ncig zoo dua rau cov zej zog thoob ntiaj teb.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Kev teeb tsa

    Qhov Loj Loj (mm) Tshuab Luj (kg) Tag nrho lub zog (kw) Ua haujlwm voltage (V) Tus naj npawb ntawm Hydraulic Unit (Pic * Mpa) Tswj qauv
    Txheej I: 1500 * 1200Txheej II: 840 * 370 1460 11.37 Nws 380 3 * 31.5 PLC + CNCAngel khoov

    Main Technical Parameters

      Khoom siv Txheej Txheem Limit (mm) Max tso zis zog (kN)
    Punching unit Tooj / Aluminium ∅32 (thickness≤10) ∅25 (thickness≤15) 350
    Shearing unit 15 * 160 (Ib leeg shearing) 12 * 160 (Punching shearing) 350
    Khoov unit 15 * 160 (Ntau Bending) 12 * 120 (kab rov tav khoov) 350
    * Tag nrho peb chav nyob tuaj yeem xaiv lossis hloov kho raws li kev cai.